Genre: MusicDrama
Runtime: 0 min
Average vote: 4.2
Release date: 1962-11-30
Director: Hans Schott-Schöbinger
Writer: Jutta Bornemann
Joachim Hansen
Pastor Johanne...
Sabine Bethmann
Hanna Osterwald
Oskar Sima
Hotelier und B...
Beppo Brem
Klaus Kürter
Viktor Staal
Supt. Mank
Claus Wilcke
Peter Reimer
Violetta Ferra...
Sängerin Ilona...
Carl Wery
Stadtpfarrer L...
Nora Minor
Marlene Rahn
Annemarie Born
Die Nacht vor ...
Road Rage
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The Unanswered...
Holly and the ...
Six Weeks to T...
This Body
Military Stron...
Sleeping on Da...
A Federal Case
Las mañanitas
Boiling Point
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