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Ota Hofman

Ota Hofman


Birthday: (61) 1928-04-10 - Deathday: 1989-05-17

Birthplace: Prague, Czechoslovakia

Also known as: Ota Dvorský , Ota Hofmann,



Just Whistle a Little
Six O'Clock at the Airport
Six O'Clock at the Airport
About Show-White
Lovers in the Year One
No Magic from Tomorrow
Three Wishes for Cinderella
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Lucy, the Menace of Street
Lucy, the Menace of Street
Long Live Ghosts!
Three of Us and Dog from Petipas
Маленький сержант
The Bride with the Most Beautiful Eyes
On the Great River
The Octopuses from the Second Floor
The Octopuses from the Second Floor
Merry Christmas Octopus
Merry Christmas Octopus
The Girl on the Broomstick
Six Bears and a Clown
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
Boys Will Be Boys
Under the Badgers Rock
...and again that Lucy!
...and again that Lucy!
Katya and the Crocodile
Don't Look Back, There Is a Horse Behind Us
The Ninth Heart
Pan Tau – der Film
Pan Tau – der Film
How to Wake a Princess
Settlement of Crows
Leť, ptáku leť!
Prince and the Evening Star
The Third Prince
The Third Prince
Volejte Martina
Volejte Martina
The Goalkeeper Lives On Our Street
Jahrgang 21
Jumping Over Puddles
On the Comet
The Hour of Blue Elephants
The Hour of Blue Elephants
Prince Bajaja
Odysseus and the Stars
Odysseus and the Stars
Odysseus and the Stars
A Major Role for Rosmaryna
The Cat Prince
The Cat Prince
The Cat Prince
Sugar House
The Hour of Blue Elephants
The Girl Robinson Crusoe
The Secret of Steel City
Alarm in the Clouds
Nechci nic slyšet
The Last Butterfly
Robinson Girl
Robinson Girl
Meeting in July
Clown Ferdinand and the Rocket
Punta and the Four-Leaf Clover
Punta and the Four-Leaf Clover
Johnny's Journey
Jsem nebe
Lišáci – Myšáci a Šibeničák
Vlak do stanice Nebe
The Island of the Silver Herons
Waiting for the Rain
Like Rabbits
Blob to the Fairytale
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Clown Ferdinand and the Rocket
Vlak do stanice Nebe
Vlak do stanice Nebe
The Last One Will Go to Hell
Lucie and the Miracles
Lucie and the Miracles
Lucie and the Miracles
Visitors from the Galaxy
Great Sorrow
Man Overboard
30 Maidens and Pythagoras
Délka polibku devadesát
Délka polibku devadesát
Zrcadlo pro Kristýnu
The Balad of Mamelouk
Abenteuer mit Blasius
Quails and King
Anička jde do školy
Martin a červené sklíčko
Martin a červené sklíčko
Martin Speaking
Martin Speaking
Malé letní blues
The Flight
The Flight
Prázdniny v oblacích
Panter čeká v 17,30
Carlsbad Ponies
Carlsbad Ponies
We, the Lost Girls
Půlnoční kolona
Adam and Otka
A Valley of Beautiful Frogs
Na startu je delfín
Sny na neděli
Sny na neděli
Anna, sestra Jany
Three from the Sea

