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Juan Bosch

Juan Bosch


Birthday: (90) 1925-05-31 - Deathday: 2015-11-17

Birthplace: Valls, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain

Also known as: Joan Bosch Palau,



Un rolls para Hipólito
And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave
And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave
And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave
Mauricio, mon amour
Mauricio, mon amour
El recomendado
El recomendado
Sendas marcadas
Sendas marcadas
...And Give Us Our Daily Sex
God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
The Crazy Neighbors 2
The Crazy Neighbors 2
God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
Stagecoach of the Condemned
El cerco
El cerco
Día tras día
Día tras día
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Too Much Gold for One Gringo
In Cold Blood
In Cold Blood
Too Much Gold for One Gringo
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
Hooray for Divorce!
Hooray for Divorce!
El fugitivo de Amberes
Regresa un desconocido
Regresa un desconocido
The Killer Wore Gloves
The Killer Wore Gloves
The Killer Wore Gloves
My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
Bloody Sect
Bloody Sect
My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
Es pecado... pero me gusta
Es pecado... pero me gusta
Ten Killers from Afar
Ten Killers from Afar
Ten Killers from Afar
forty years without sex
forty years without sex
El terrible de Chicago
La viudita ye-ye
The Crimson Night of the Hawk
Chico, chica, ¡boom!
Bahía de Palma
La dudosa virilidad de Cristóbal
White Skin Market
El castigador
Un tesoro en el cielo
El último verano
El último verano
Bahía de Palma
Sol de verano
Sol de verano
El castigador
The Crimson Night of the Hawk
Heredero en apuros

