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Sergio Corbucci

Sergio Corbucci


Birthday: (63) 1926-12-06 - Deathday: 1990-12-01

Birthplace: Rome, Italy

Also known as: Stanley Corbett, Enzo Corbucci, Gordon Wilson Jr.,



Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
The Great Silence
The Great Silence
The Beast
The Two Marshals
The Con Artists
The Con Artists
The Monk of Monza
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Odds and Evens
Odds and Evens
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure
Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure
The Mercenary
The Mercenary
Gli onorevoli
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Lo smemorato di Collegno
I ragazzi dei Parioli
I ragazzi dei Parioli
The Hellbenders
Super Fuzz
Super Fuzz
The Payoff
Days of Inspector Ambrosio
Days of Inspector Ambrosio
Death on the Run
Death on the Run
Johnny Hamlet
Death Walks at Midnight
Atrocious Tales of Love and Death
I Don't Understand You Anymore
Navajo Joe
Count Tacchia
Count Tacchia
Count Tacchia
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Robinson
Minnesota Clay
Minnesota Clay
The Last Days of Pompeii
The Last Days of Pompeii
Sonny and Jed
Sonny and Jed
Sonny and Jed
The Slave
To My Dear Mother on Her Birthday
The Specialists
The Specialists
The Specialists
Shoot First… Ask Questions Later
Shoot First… Ask Questions Later
The Shortest Day
The Sons of the Leopard
I Am an ESP
I Am an ESP
I Am an ESP
Massacre At Grand Canyon
Massacre At Grand Canyon
Tit for Tat
Di che segno sei?
Di che segno sei?
Strange Occasion
The Story of Romance and Knife
What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution?
What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution?
The Man Who Laughs
The Man Who Laughs
The Story of Romance and Knife
Sing Sing
Sing Sing
The Blancheville Monster
Here We for Example...
Here We for Example...
Here We for Example...
Stuff for the Rich
Stuff for the Rich
Stuff for the Rich
Goliath and the Vampires
Goliath and the Vampires
Goliath and the Vampires
Three Tigers Against Three Tigers
Django Strikes Again
Duel of the Titans
Duel of the Titans
Duel of the Titans
Three Tigers Against Three Tigers
Three Tigers Against Three Tigers
I'm Getting a Yacht
Suonno d'ammore
Rimini Rimini
Rimini Rimini
Rimini Rimini
Ringo and His Golden Pistol
This and That
Foreign Earth
Foreign Earth
For a Few Dollars Less
I Kiss... You Kiss
Women in Arms
Women in Arms
My Darling, My Dearest
My Darling, My Dearest
Quella piccola differenza
Quella piccola differenza
La peccatrice dell'isola
La peccatrice dell'isola
Le signore
Supreme Confession
Supreme Confession
Supreme Confession
Salvate mia figlia
Shack and puppets
Shack and puppets
Cavalier in Devil's Castle
Cavalier in Devil's Castle
Destination Fury


Sergio CorbucciSergio Corbucci