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Jack Henley

Jack Henley


Birthday: (61) 1896-12-06 - Deathday: 1958-11-02

Birthplace: Ireland

Also known as:



Hey, Pop!
Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation
Zis Boom Bah
Reveille with Beverly
Meet Me on Broadway
Double Exposure
One Way to Love
Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki
Blondie's Secret
Blondie in the Dough
Blondie Hits the Jackpot
In the Dough
Art Trouble
A Night to Remember
Blondie's Hero
The Rocket Man
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm
Strange Affair
Mr. Wise Guy
Katie Did It
Buzzin' Around
Dangerous Blondes
Corn on the Cop
Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair
A Thousand and One Nights
Salt Water Daffy
Blondie's Anniversary
Beware of Blondie
Hoots Mon
All American Drawback
Bonzo Goes to College
Spooks Run Wild
Private Snuffy Smith
He's a Cockeyed Wonder
Script Girl
Smoked Hams
How've You Bean?
Paul Revere, Jr.
Pugs and Kisses
Very Close Veins
I Scream
Here Comes Flossie!
Close Relations
Pure Feud
Howd' Ya Like That?
The Officer's Mess
While the Cat's Away
On the Wagon
A Peach of a Pair
Daredevil O'Dare
My Mummy's Arms
Calling All Tars
His First Flame
Tip Tap Toe
Absorbing Junior
Absorbing Junior
My Kingdom for a Cook
Nut Guilty

