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René Clair

René Clair


Birthday: (82) 1898-11-11 - Deathday: 1981-03-15

Birthplace: Paris, France

Also known as: Rene Clair, René Chomette, René Després, Danceny,



Ferraille et chiffons
Forever and a Day
The Beauty of the Devil
The Beauty of the Devil
À Nous la Liberté
À Nous la Liberté
À Nous la Liberté
And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
Le Million
Le Million
I Married a Witch
I Married a Witch
Silence Is Golden
Silence Is Golden
Silence Is Golden
I Married a Witch
It Happened Tomorrow
It Happened Tomorrow
It Happened Tomorrow
The Crazy Ray
The Crazy Ray
The Crazy Ray
The Crazy Ray
The Gates of Paris
July 14
July 14
The Gates of Paris
The Gates of Paris
The Gates of Paris
Under the Roofs of Paris
Under the Roofs of Paris
The Ghost Goes West
The Ghost Goes West
The Imaginary Voyage
The Imaginary Voyage
All the Gold in the World
All the Gold in the World
All the Gold in the World
Beauties of the Night
La Tour
The Italian Straw Hat
The Italian Straw Hat
La Tour
Beauties of the Night
Beauties of the Night
Beauties of the Night
Beauties of the Night
Miss Europe
Miss Europe
The Grand Manoeuvre
The Grand Manoeuvre
The Grand Manoeuvre
The Flame of New Orleans
The Flame of New Orleans
The Flame of New Orleans
Two Timid Souls
Break the News
Break the News
Fire Over England
Two Timid Souls
The Phantom of the Moulin-Rouge
The Phantom of the Moulin-Rouge
The Phantom of the Moulin-Rouge
The Prey of the Wind
The Prey of the Wind
The Last Billionaire
The Last Billionaire
Love and the Frenchwoman
Love and the Frenchwoman
Love and the Frenchwoman
The Four Truths
The Four Truths
The Lace Wars
The Lace Wars
The Midnight Chimes


René Clair