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James Oliver Curwood

James Oliver Curwood


Birthday: (49) 1878-06-12 - Deathday: 1927-08-13

Birthplace: Owosso, Michigan, USA

Also known as: Mr. Curwood,



Eye of the Wolf
Isobel or the Trail's End
The Bear
Call of the Klondike
River's End
Back to God's Country
Back to God's Country
Skull and Crown
God's Country
Roaring Six Guns
The Ancient Highway
Back to God's Country
Trail of the Yukon
River's End
The Valley of Silent Men
Fangs of the Arctic
Northern Patrol
Nomads of the North
Nomads of the North
Whistling Bullets
The Silver Trail
Northwest Trail
Timber War
The Strength of Men
Snow Dog
Northwest Territory
Dawn on the Great Divide
Song of the Trail
The Wolf Hunters
Code of the Mounted
Thor, Lord of the Jungles
Valley of Terror
The Trail Beyond
Call of The Yukon
The Hawk
Wildcat Trooper
Phantom Patrol
The Red Blood of Courage
God's Country and the Woman
'Neath Canadian Skies
Yukon Gold
The Test
Yukon Manhunt
The Fighting Trooper
Yukon Vengeance
When the Door Opened
The Feudists
Blood of the Hunter
In the Days of Famine
The Country Beyond
The Soul Master
Unto Those Who Sin
Nomads of the North
The Fighting Texan
The Man from Hell's River
The Country Beyond
Vengeance of Rannah
Her Fighting Chance
The Courage of Marge O'Doone
The Alaskan
The Man Hater
Timber Fury
The Fatal Note
Thou Shalt Not Covet
Thou Shalt Not Covet
Danger Trail
North of the Border
Trails of the Wild
His Fighting Blood
Rough Riding Rhythm
Baree, Son of Kazan
Baree, Son of Kazan
Their Wives' Indiscretion
Wild Horse Round-Up
I Am the Law
Jacqueline, or Blazing Barriers
Law of the Timber
Northern Frontier
Caryl of the Mountains
Four Minutes Late
Flower of the North
Galloping Dynamite
The Flaming Forest
Paid in Advance
God's Country and the Law
The River's End
The White Mouse
The Golden Snare
The Northern Trail
The Broken Silence
Jan of the Big Snows
Two Women
Clover's Rebellion


James Oliver Curwood