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Keith Griffiths

Keith Griffiths


Birthday: (78) 1947-01-01

Birthplace: Wales, UK

Also known as: Keith M Griffiths,



Rose Red
Abstract Cinema
Abstract Cinema
Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life
The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia
Dry Season
Little Otik
Conspirators of Pleasure
Robinson in Space
Surviving Life (Theory and Practice)
The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer
Robinson in Ruins
The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer
Syndromes and a Century
The Comb
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
Visions Cinema: Film in the Philippines - A Report by Tony Rayns
Street of Crocodiles
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies
A Letter to Uncle Boonmee
Half Moon
Stille Nacht I: Dramolet
This Unnameable Little Broom
Berberian Sound Studio
This Unnameable Little Broom
This Unnameable Little Broom
This Unnameable Little Broom
The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes
The Phantom Museum: Random Forays Into the Vaults of Sir Henry Wellcome's Medical Collection
The Sandman
The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode
The Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode
Cemetery of Splendor
Radio On
Innocence of Memories
Scénario du film Passion
Mekong Hotel
Punch and Judy: Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy
Punch and Judy: Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy
Punch and Judy: Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy
Brothers and Sisters
The Dilapidated Dwelling
Butcher's Hook
Visions Cinema: Film as a Way of Life: Hong Kong Cinema - A Report by Tony Rayns
Oskar Fischinger: Visual Music
Doodlin': Impressions Of Len Lye
Light Years
Radio On Remix
Visions Cinema: Cinema in China - An Account by Tony Rayns
Doodlin': Impressions Of Len Lye
Snow Business
Warhol's Cinema 1963-1968: Mirror for the Sixties
The Cardinal and the Corpse
The Doll's Breath
Signal to Noise


Keith Griffiths