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Štěpán Koníček

Štěpán Koníček


Birthday: (78) 1928-03-07 - Deathday: 2006-05-26


Also known as: Dr. Sheep, Dr. Stepan Konícek, L. Sheep, Steven Konichek,



Just Whistle a Little
Dogs and People
Panenství a kriminál
The Young Lady from the Riverside
Hey Mister, Let's Play! How They Met At Kolin
A 105 p.c. Alibi
Mature Wine
We'll Kick Up a Fuss Tomorrow, Darling...
Story of Souls
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
The Bear and the Ghosts
Dva muži hlásí příchod
Stratená dolina
Jára Cimrman Lying, Sleeping
Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem
The False Prince
Free Admittance
The Unfortunate Bridegroom
Marketa Lazarová
All My Good Countrymen
Long Live the Republic
Bridal Tour to Jilji
The Terribly Sad Princess
A Night at Karlstein
Give the Devil His Due
Three Wishes for Cinderella
Hry a sny
How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth
Closely Watched Trains
If I Had a Gun
Forbidden Dreams
My Sweet Little Village
Cutting It Short
Hogo Fogo Homolka
The Shop on Main Street
Lemonade Joe
The Firemen's Ball
Dragon's Return
The Deserter and the Nomads
The Deserter and the Nomads
Long Live Ghosts!
Run, Waiter, Run!
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin
A Face in the Window
Malý Bobeš ve městě
Nobody Will Laugh
Who Wants to Kill Jessie?
The End of Summer
Zaostřit prosím!
Lost Children
Páté kolo u vozu
Affairs of my Wife
Zločin v Modré hvězdě
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a Sailor from York
The Tale of John and Mary
Wine Working
Malý velký hokejista
She Kept Asking for the Moon
A Report on the Party and the Guests
Larks on a String
Co je doma to se počítá, pánové...
The Climb
The Girl on the Broomstick
My Dear Aunt and Me
There is a Dragon Behind Humny
The Last Trick
Boys Will Be Boys
Incorrectly Drawn Hen
Behold Homolka
Homolka and Pocketbook
How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer
The Lion and the Song
The Boxer and Death
The Wishing Machine
Every Young Man
The Snowdrop Festival
Salt & Gold
Winning Quietly
The Junk Shop
The Ninth Gate
The Hope
Crime at the Girls School
A Nice Plate of Spinach
Pan Tau – der Film
A Pact with the Devil
Šťastie príde v nedeľu
Almost King
How the World Is Losing Poets
Rose Tinted Dreams
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
I'll Be Good, Old Man!
The End of August at the Hotel Ozone
See You in Hell, Friends
Vintage Car
I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen
Straw Hat
Prince and the Evening Star
Spanilá jízda
Prípad pre obhajcu
The Mysterious Mr. Hyde
Volejte Martina
Jak se krade milión
Přísně tajné premiéry
Slasti Otce vlasti
Murdering the Devil
The Hour of Blue Elephants
A Girl Fit to Be Killed
Tichý Američan v Praze
Radical Cut
Concert at the End of Summer
A Suspended Game
How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions
The Halftime of Happiness
Hey, Mister, Let’s Play! Princesses Are Not to Be Sniffed At
The Song of the Grey Pigeon
Courage for Every Day
Crime in the Night Club
Snowdrops and Aces
Hotel for Strangers
Funeral Ceremony
Monkey's Playtime
Pěsti ve tmě
Sweet Games of Late Summer
Sweet Games of Late Summer
The Secret of an Old Attic
Operation Bororo
'Okay, Boss...!'
Moravian Hellas
The Borrowed Face
Summer with a Cowboy
Nechci nic slyšet
Buddies Thicker Than Water
La Chanson du mal-aimé
Černá punčocha
Death of Hitch-Hikers
The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit
The White Lady
Martyrs of Love
Dicky Moe
The Death of Mr Goluza
The Prime of Life
Carmen Get It!
Tall in the Trap
Smrt na Cukrovém ostrově
Einstein kontra Babinský
Táto sežeň štěně
Adventures with a Naked Boy
A Game Without Rules
Johnny's Journey
I, Mournful God
A Star Is Falling Upwards
Who Looks for Gold?
Black Saturday
Chlap jako hora
If I Had a Girl
If I Had a Girl
Čistá řeka
Drsná Planina
How a Man Gives Birth
Holiday for a Dog
Like Rabbits
The Death of a Talented Cobbler
Zelená vlna
Shades of Fern
Ants Bring Death
Sorry Safari
Eine zauberhafte Erbschaft
House for Two
The Devil Does Not Sleep
Circus in the Circus
The Very Late Afternoon of a Faun
Něco je ve vzduchu
Brigand Jurko
Angel in a Devil's Body
Do We Match Each Other, Darling?
King of the Sumava
Miss Golem
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora
Great Sorrow
Calypso Cat
The Sheriff Behind Bars
The Sheriff Behind Bars
Vím, že jsi vrah...
30 Maidens and Pythagoras
Aber Doktor
Landscape with Furniture
Délka polibku devadesát
Komedie s Klikou
Zlatý pavouk
Hlavní výhra
Escape from the Shadows
Člověk není sám
Zbraně pro Prahu
Life for Jan Kaspar
Daisies for the Lady of the Manor
Váhavý střelec
Noc klavíristy
The Motive for Murder
Osud jménem Kamila
Kotva u přívozu
People from the Subway
Interrupted Song
A Matter of Days
Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci
The Finnish Knife
Paleta lásky
Vítězný lid
Město mé naděje
Stav ztroskotání
Mezi námi kluky
Legenda, the Robber
Quails and King
Hon na kočku
Most na tú stranu
40 dědečků
Anička jde do školy
The Hedgehog Friendship
Pršelo jim štěstí
Chicken on Travels
Holiday with Minka
Zámek pro Barborku
Life Without a Guitar
A Leap In The Dark
A Place in the Crowd
Místenka bez návratu
Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flower
Kočky neberem
Martin a červené sklíčko
Čtyři v kruhu
Private Torment
Lost in Pajamas
The Flight
Cézar a detektívi
Cézar a detektívi
The Pickpockets
The Pickpockets
Naše bláznivá rodina
The Giraffe in the Window
Cubs Trainers
The Case Is Not Yet Closed
Přehlídce velím já!
Svatej z Krejcárku
Smutný lord
Captain Korda
Posledný návrat
An Honest Thief
Svatba bez prstýnku
Velikonoční dovolená
Maple and Juliana
Půlnoční kolona
Three Men Travelling
A Valley of Beautiful Frogs
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Na startu je delfín
Cesta ženy
Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi
Prázdniny v oblacích
Akce v Istanbulu
Profesoři za školou
Where an Alibi Is Not Everything
Kohout plaší smrt
Tobě hrana zvonit nebude
Život na úteku
Good Day, Town
Smrt na černo
Pozor, ide Jozefína...
Concert for the survivors
Sázka na třináctku
Oddechový čas
The Lawyer
Muž s orlem a slepicí
Sneh pod nohami
Vražedné pochybnosti
Pod nohama nebe
Muzika pro dva
Three from the Sea
Choď a nelúč sa
Cnostný Metod
Člny proti prúdu
Člny proti prúdu
Karline manželstvá
Kouzelníkův návrat
Kouzelníkův návrat
The Assistant
I Judge You by Love
We, the Lost Girls
Don't Call Me Major
Noc smaragdového měsíce
The Explosion Will Be at Five
Všichni musí být v pyžamu
Death Chooses
The Pig Shepard
Hey, Mister, Let’s Play! Hold On to Your Hat
Hey, Mister, Let’s Play! How They Ate Witty Porridge
Hey, Mister, Let’s Play! How They Went to Sleep
Hey, Mister, Let’s Play! How the Bears Went Swimming
Etudes for Piano Students

