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Rollin Hamilton

Rollin Hamilton

Birthday: (52) 1898-10-28 - Deathday: 1951-06-03

Birthplace: South Dakota, USA

Also known as: Ham Hamilton, Rollin Clare Hamilton,



Trolley Troubles
All Wet
Toby Tortoise Returns
Alice's Brown Derby
The Ol' Swimmin' Hole
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon
The Ocean Hop
Neck 'n' Neck
Bright Lights
Poor Papa
Detouring America
Great Guns
Ozzie of the Mounted
Alice's Auto Race
Lady, Play Your Mandolin!
I Wish I Had Wings
Three's a Crowd
Tall Timber
Empty Socks
Sinkin' in the Bathtub
Bosko the Doughboy
Alice the Piper
Box Car Blues
The Mechanical Cow
Ride 'Em Plow Boy
Alice the Lumberjack
Alice's Knaughty Knight
Alice's Three Bad Eggs
Alice's Picnic
Alice's Channel Swim
Alice in the Klondike
Beauty and the Beast
Goopy Geer
Bosko's Dog Race
Bosko, the Talk-Ink Kid
Bosko and Bruno
Bosko Shipwrecked!
A Great Big Bunch of You
Oh, Teacher!
Ups 'n Downs
Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee
Hollywood Capers
You're Too Careless with Your Kisses!
The Organ Grinder
The Fox Chase
Bosko's Fox Hunt
Bosko at the Beach
The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives
Alice Hunting in Africa
The Tree's Knees
Alice the Fire Fighter
Alice Plays Cupid
Alice in the Big League
Red-Headed Baby
Big-Hearted Bosko
Alice's Fishy Story
I Love a Parade
Yodeling Yokels
Bosko's Soda Fountain
Alice's Day at Sea
Pagan Moon
Alice Cans the Cannibals
Sagebrush Sadie
Young and Healthy
Gay Gaucho
Bosko's Dizzy Date
Harem Scarem
Bosko and Honey
Farmyard Follies
Hold 'Em Ozzie

