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Clara Kuperberg

Clara Kuperberg


Birthday: (NaN)


Also known as:



I, Douglas Fairbanks
From Weepies to Chick Flicks
From Weepies to Chick Flicks
Joni Mitchell, le spleen et la colère
Hollywood Censored
Hollywood Censored
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in Hollywood
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in Hollywood
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Irrésistible Gary Cooper
This Is Orson Welles
This Is Orson Welles
The Women Who Run Hollywood
The Women Who Run Hollywood
The Women Who Run Hollywood
The Women Who Run Hollywood
Il était une fois à Monaco
Jack Lemmon, a true Trouper
Jack Lemmon, a true Trouper
Los Angeles Film Noir
The Witches of Hollywood
Hollywood Spies
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten Star
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten Star
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesure
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesure
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino
Teen Movies les origines
Hannibal Hopkins & Sir Anthony
John Ford & Monument Valley
La Censure à Hollywood
La Censure à Hollywood
Hollywood Gossip: les commères d'Hollywood
Martin Scorsese, l'émotion par la musique
The Screwball Comedy - When Hollywood Went Mad
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a Curse
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a Curse
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
James Ellroy: American Dog
James Ellroy: American Dog
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
The True Story of the Barrymores

