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Lorenzo Baraldi

Lorenzo Baraldi

Birthday: (83) 1940-10-03

Birthplace: Parma, Italy

Also known as: Gianlorenzo Baraldi,



My Friends
An Average Little Man
The Postman
The Marquis of Grillo
My Friends Act II
Scent of a Woman
La guerra è finita
Come Home and Meet My Wife
One Dollar Too Many
I Know That You Know That I Know
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen
Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen
We Want the Colonels
Luisa Sanfelice
Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia
Johnny Hamlet
Kisses and Hugs
Beyond Borders
Duck in Orange Sauce
Tony Arzenta
Amore a prima vista
The Priest's Wife
Sunday Lovers
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
The 2 Lives of Mattia Pascal
The Roses of the Desert
How Funny Can Sex Be?
Volesse il cielo!
Police Chief Pepe
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
Hotel Room
Operation Snafu
Catherine and I
Dear Michele
Joan Lui
Il lupo di mare
Condannato a nozze
I due assi del guantone
Lovers and Liars
Continuavano a chiamarli i due piloti più matti del mondo
Continuavano a chiamarli i due piloti più matti del mondo
Hurricane Rosie
Rosa and Cornelia
Condition Critical
La prima volta
Blue Tango
Stray Days

