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Leslie Goodwins

Leslie Goodwins


Birthday: (69) 1899-09-17 - Deathday: 1969-01-08

Birthplace: London, England

Also known as:



Mr. Doodle Kicks Off
The Singing Sheriff
Fireman Save My Child
The Adventures of a Rookie
Vacation in Reno
Vacation in Reno
Should Wives Work?
Should Wives Work?
Genius at Work
Almost a Gentleman
Fugitives for a Night
Lord Epping Returns
The Rainmakers
Deep South
Mexican Spitfire's Blessed Event
Let's Make Music
The Mummy's Curse
The Lone Wolf in London
Parachute Battalion
Way Down South
Sued for Libel
Tarnished Angel
Mexican Spitfire's Elephant
Mexican Spitfire's Elephant
Murder in the Blue Room
The Day the Bookies Wept
Here Comes a Sailor
Riverboat Rhythm
Gold Fever
Silver Skates
One Live Ghost
Tammy and the Millionaire
One Live Ghost
Here Comes a Sailor
Dummy Ache
Dummy Ache
Crime Ring
The Devil Diamond
Mexican Spitfire
Mexican Spitfire Out West
Men Against the Sky
Mexican Spitfire Sees a Ghost
The Mexican Spitfire's Baby
Ladies' Day
The Girl from Mexico
The Cockeyed Family
What a Blonde
Mexican Spitfire at Sea
They Met in Argentina
Millionaire Playboy
Anything for a Thrill
Young Dynamite
Harris in the Spring
Pop Always Pays
Who's Looney Now
Bachelor Blues
His Pest Friend
Radio Stars on Parade
Headline Crasher
Casanova in Burlesque
His Pest Friend
Framing Father
I'll Tell the World
The Go-Getter
Paris Follies of 1956
Gals, Incorporated
An Angel Comes To Brooklyn
Goin' to Town


Leslie GoodwinsLeslie Goodwins