The trilogy, titled I, II, and III, explores themes of survival, obsession, and violence, following individuals who navigate a dark and dangerous world filled with supernatural and criminal challenges. The storylines focus on marginalized characters struggling with poverty, highlighting their resilience and the complexities of intense, passionate romances. The overarching narrative showcases characters on a quest for survival and self-discovery, while addressing societal issues such as poverty and the resilience of humanity. Shot in Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil with local casts and crews, the trilogy emphasizes the beauty of Latin America and its cinematic talent. Praised for its realistic portrayal of the locales, the trilogy immerses viewers in the distinct atmosphere of each country, creating an impactful cinematic experience that resonates with themes of perseverance and the human spirit.
The trilogy, titled I, II, and III, explores themes of survival, obsession, and violence, following individuals who navigate a dark and dangerous world filled with supernatural and criminal challenges. The storylines focus on marginalized characters struggling with poverty, highlighting their resilience and the complexities of intense, passionate romances. The overarching narrative showcases characters on a quest for survival and self-discovery, while addressing societal issues such as poverty and the resilience of humanity. Shot in Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil with local casts and crews, the trilogy emphasizes the beauty of Latin America and its cinematic talent. Praised for its realistic portrayal of the locales, the trilogy immerses viewers in the distinct atmosphere of each country, creating an impactful cinematic experience that resonates with themes of perseverance and the human spirit.
Overview: A sensitive poor girl gets sold to a moronic fish dealer who wants to do some perverse sexual practices with her. However, she falls in love with a young gardener boy and both start having a passionate sex affair. After this guy kills the fish dealer and his mother they have to flee from the police.
Rate: 4.6
Release date: 1995-10-22
Rate: 5
Release date: 1995-04-20
Overview: The second part of the "Trilogy of Lust"-series tells the story about a woman who suffers from a childhood trauma when she was brutally raped by her uncle and his stinky booze companions. Now as an adult she leads two different lives: during the day she´s the upright manager of a firm, but at night she goes on murderous sprees, dressed in sexy rubber and la...
Rate: 4.545
Release date: 1996-10-29
Overview: Shan is in search of her twin sister who disappeared leaving nothing more than a native doll. Along the way she meets a mobile film crew. They discover that something isn't quite right with the boarding house in which they're staying.
Rate: 4.9
Release date: 1996-06-22
Overview: .
Rate: 5.3
Release date: 2024-01-01